Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Bully Killers Serial Novel on Blogger: Chapter 2

The Bully Killers Serial Novel
Michael Engelby

Chapter 2
Walter Dalinger
April 21, 1985

Don’t worry sweetheart, you haven’t been here for a long time. They’ll never see us coming.

Walter loved the sound of her voice, soft and gentle, calming. The raindrop beat on his pickup blurred the light outside of Chubby’s Tavern on the other side of the street. Walter liked sitting in his pickup. He had been sitting and thinking and listening and watching for hours. A set of lights pulled into the parking lot and joined the other five or six cars.

Looks like everybody’s here. Let’s go in and say hello.

Walter opened the door and stepped out into the rain. A car passed splashing rain up onto the sidewalk of a sleeping Main Street. Walter could feel the red taillights on his face as he stepped off the curb and walked across.

They’re going to be so surprised. Isn’t this delightful?

The familiar weight of the heavy oak door pressed against his palm. He followed the flood of light into the bar. The television above the bar glowed and droned on as the dank smell of cigarettes and stale beer rushed into his nostrils...

See full chapter at: http://thebullykillers.com/

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